Jun 2, 2020
This is a difficult time in history, but also a critically important one. Therefore, I decided to hold off on publishing the episode I'd planned for today. Instead, let's work together to build a better future.
So, go on, go help shape the future.
Join the conversation at https://twitter.com/humansnownthen
You can comment on the thought-starter posts there, or simply post your own thoughts with the hashtags #gohelpshapethefuture and #humansnowandthen.
Organizations you can support:
Code Switch by NPR: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510312/codeswitch
The Nod: https://gimletmedia.com/shows/the-nod/episodes
Curated list of books on anti-racism:
Do you have other recommendations? Reach out to contact@humansnowandthen.com.
This message has been hosted and published by Rebecca Scott. These are her thoughts and ideas and not in association with any employer or client.